Actioning Change with Values

You know the self-help froth you get from the all that ‘Manifest Good Vibes Good Life’ kinda content? It’s inspiring and makes sense, except putting these tips and tools into action in real life can be a bit tricky 🤯

SO before we get all fired up on these fancy new ideas of best ways to be, it’s important to get cosy with the founding principles that enable us to make those “highly successful choices” in the first place.

Get our your journal and answer these questions (if you want)…

1. Identify what it is your trying to create for yourself. What kind of person are you trying to be? What kind of life are you wanting to live? What do you value?

Figuring out what you want and what you value is not even half of it. So now ask yourself,

2. What do my values look like in action day-to-day? Get specific.

4. Importantly, what makes it hard to align with those values & make those small, yet adaptive (often uncomfortable) choices day-to-day?

Before you point the finger to external barriers GO INWARD. Think specific emotions, thoughts and storylines that make it hard to embody (value here).

This can be super confronting 😳 and when it is - try to lean in, notice & name that which is making you want to turn away 🤔

5. Now reflect on how you choose to respond (or react) to that which is getting in your way.

Do you try to reframe it? Ignore it? Project it? Suppress it? Or attach to certain thoughts & feelings while they run certain aspect of your life? Or are you able to sit with them? Create space? De-fuse? Re-focus and adapt so you get to run your own life instead?

6. What can you do instead?

Taking the steps to overcome the ACTUAL SHIT (i.e., your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, stories, biases, fears etc) that’s getting in your way is precursor to any change. Although it can be uncomfortable & confronting, it’s a lot less uncomfortable than staying stuck.


Navigating Self Help


Meditation: My Journey & Learning from a Teacher.