To Find Creativity You Must First Do Creativity.
Wanting something is easy, but when it comes down to actually having the dream career, the right people in your life, kicking bad habits, or embracing new ways of being, we often find ourselves stuck.
Fully embodying change can be rather QUITE challenging. We often attach our worth to stories and unrealistic expectations of what it means to be successful, happy, and resilient. But when comes to being any of those things it can feel hard, relentless, and sometimes impossible.
In this sense, many of us know what we want, but we don’t know to get it.
But just like anything that's worth it, there's no 'quick' solution. Change requires committed action, which is more than just an idea - it’s a willingness to get uncomfortable in in pursuit of your deepest values and ultimately, what you want in life.
And despite what the wellness industry screams (“HAPPY 4 LIFE IN JUST 4 DAYS!”, “MANIFEST A KA-ZILLION DOLLARS WITH YOUR INTENTION ALONE!”, “BEAT STRESS IN 5 EASY STEPS!”) …long last change and growth is a process and that process is uncomfortable.
Committed action is where creativity will find you. But warning, committed action is not always easy, or comfortable. But since when did comfort lead to?
So while you may be feeling stuck now more than ever, you’re not alone.
So in light of feeling a bit stuck, take some time this week to reflect on your deeper values. And I mean YOUR values, not someone else's.
What's your why when things get hard? Why “do the thing” when it’s easier not to?
Where goals inspire, values guide and habits define.
Don’t know where to start?
Start at the start. Start with one small action at a time. Because to find creativity (inspiration, purpose, meaning, flow…whatever you want to call it) you must first DO creativity.
You might be pleasantly surprised with the flow on effect that coincides getting out of your comfort zone and connecting with your values in moments where it’s easier not to.
If you’re feeling a little lost, get touch - I’d love to hear from you.